Monday, September 6, 2010

Moosey-Moose Eats Gelato at Bottega Italiana and Clue #10

Hi Travel Buddies,

I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it.

This is my last day to plan my trip. I'm catching my flight Wednesday morning, early.
I'm still hanging out at Bottega Italiana. I ate too much gelato so now I'm snacking on a croissant and strawberries.

I'm planning to eat A LOT of croissants when my plane lands in ... MOOPS! I almost told you where I'm going.

OK, gotta go finish packing my backpack, and maybe wash this t-shirt before I go.
Check back in a couple of days to find out where my plane lands and all the super cool places I visit!
Bye for now,
P.S. - Here's your clue: The city where my plane lands is also where the famous painting called the Mona Lisa is hanging in a famous museum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear mooseymoose thats awsome
remember me isau i commet alot
