Hi Friends,Remember the baby robins I told you about last week? Well, they aren't babies anymore!
They grew up super fast. This one is getting ready to fly out of the nest. First he made his wings move really fast like he was flying except he didn't go anywhere. I think he was just practicing.
After he practiced and practiced, the next day, this one flew out of the nest and onto the stairs on the deck. Right after I took this picture, he flew to the fence.
And this one is on a rock in our garden. He's camouflaged. Hey! That's another magnet word. Do you know what camouflage means? Look it up in the dictionary and let me know what you find out.
Well, now all three robins have left the nest. I don't think they'll come back.
It was super cool to watch them grow up from teeny tiny baby birds to almost adult size!! They sure grew up fast. I wonder what I should do with their nest? Do you have any ideas?
Be sure to check back next week for another one of my adventures!
Bye for now,