Thursday, April 1, 2010

Moosey-Moose Answers His Mail

Hi Friends,

I got mail from kids at a primary school in Scotland! Wow! That's really cool!

Do I have a girlfriend? Well, I have a friend that is a girl. Her name is Flower. I met her when I was in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. You can read all about my adventures there and see a picture of Flower if you read my first blog entries. You have to go all the way back to October 2008. But it's easy to do. Just look at the dates on the right hand side of my blog.

Mrs. Hunter takes really good care of me. She also has to take care of Sleepy Bear. He's high maintenance. He sleeps a lot and reads books and drinks A LOT of hot chocolate with whippy cream! When he found out I was going to have my own blog, he said he wanted one, too. Have you read it? Mrs. Hunter is on Spring break next week so we all get to play. I hope we go somewhere. I like to travel and do new things, like para sailing. I did that when I was in Mexico, too!

Well, to all the kids at Murthly Primary in Scotland, have a fun day and have a Happy Easter.

Your friend,



Anonymous said...

Dear Moosey-Moose,
So my birthday iscoming up and its going to be on Friday starting at 7:00.



Anonymous said...

Hello moosey-moose how are you? what are you doing?I have missed all your comments because i havnt been on your website. im sorry dont be mad. sincerly chalise