Monday, February 22, 2010

Moosey-Moose Answers His Mail

Hi Friends,

I have a lot of mail to answer. I've been enjoying the sunshine instead of writing. But here I am.

I've been trying to decide what is my favorite color. I think it's blue. I wanted to wear my blue t-shirt yesterday but I can't find it. Sleepy Bear says I need to organize my stuff.

My favorite friend is Sleepy Bear. We don't always get along but he's a good friend to have. He makes me hot chocolate when it's cold outside.

I really liked the movie THE TWO BROTHERS. But I'll have to tell you more about the movie later. It's time for me to go eat breakfast now. I'm having Moose-Munch!! My favorite.

Oh! One last thing. I want to go on an adventure again, but I'm not sure where to go or what to do. So I need to start planning.

Bye for now,


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