Thursday, June 16, 2011

Moosey-Moose Is So Clever!

Hi Friends,

If you’ve been reading my blog then you know I'm writing a book about one of my adventures. It’s called, MOOSEY-MOOSE GOES ON AN ADVENTURE.

I have a deadline,too. My reading and writing teacher, Kathleen, is helping me. She said I have to have the final manuscript ready to send to agents and editors by July. OF THIS YEAR! That’s only two weeks away.

So, I am not leaving my desk, or my computer (it’s really Kathleen’s computer but she lets me use it), and I recruited Sleepy Bear to do my chores for me. One of my chores is feeding Tsavo.

Sleepy Bear Scooping Food



Tsavo is a big dog and she eats a lot of food from a big bag. Kathleen keeps it safe in the coat closet.


Sleepy Bear Spills the Scoop of Dog Food


Uh Oh! Looks like Sleepy Bear needs to exercise more and get stronger arms! Good thing he started to get Tsavo’s food this morning for her evening meal.




Back to writing for me. If you want to read the first two chapters, write to me and let me know. Kathleen said she will post them on her website.

Gotta go!


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