Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Moosey-Moosey Has Coffee with Dillon at The Empress Hotel

Hi Friends,

Wow! This is the life! I can sure get used to this. I'm having coffee in the lounge at The Empress Hotel. Dillon is kind enough to poor coffee for me. Well, it's actually milk with a little bit of coffee because I'm not really supposed to have coffee. Sleepy Bear says it makes me bounce off the walls. Ssshhh... don't tell him. Dillon is from England. Maybe one day I'll go to England. He lived in a town called Ipswich. Hmmm ... sounds like sandwich. I wonder if I can get Dillon to bring me some of those neat little sandwiches without the crust.

I'm going to miss Victoria and everyone here at The Empress Hotel.

More later,



Anonymous said...

Wow you look like a prince geting your coffie served to you in that big chair.I agree with Sleepy bear
coffie does make some people bounce off the walls that is why i am not aloud to have coffie.How was your trip.


Anonymous said...

Hello Moosey-Moose was Kathleen with you when you were at the hotel? or were you by yourself and you look like a prince to me and you are haveing your coffie sereved to you. I hope you are haveing so much fun well. I hope you injoy your vacashon if it is a vacashon well you are such a lucy. Moose right now. I hope I was you right now what did you do last week? did you have fun last week? did you go any were last week. I had a good week on friday. I went to the movies and. I wached Madiea goes to jail it was a funny funny movie and on saturday. I went to my cousins house well have to go now by by


Anonymous said...

i hope you had a nice vacation