Sunday, August 9, 2009

UH OH! Moosey-Moose Skips Out on His Chores!

Hi Friends,

Isn't this the coolest? I got tired of doing all of Sleepy Bear's chores, and besides, summer is almost over; I couldn't spend it doing chores. So, I took the last chance I had to go on an adventure.

This is me on the dashboard of the car on the way to Portland, Oregon! Can you find it on a map? If I leave Seattle and drive to Portland, how many miles is that?

Am I there yet?

Check back soon for more about my Portland adventure!



Anonymous said...

thats so cool moosey moose have you ever been poptropica or the blog its cool all ages from 5 to 15.

Anonymous said...

hi moosey moose how are you moosey moose.