Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Moosey-Moose Goes to Washington, DC–Day 4

Hi Travel Buddies,

Sorry I have not blogged in a few days. I’ve been stuck in my hotel room with the flu! It is no fun being sick when I’m in the middle of an adventure. But, no worries now, I’m back and ready to finish my tour of Washington, DC.

State Capitol Building

My first stop is the State Capitol building. This is where congress meets and votes on laws for our country. A lot of important people go to work in this building.







State Capitol Building with Washington

Inside the building are statues of famous people. Each state gets to choose who they want to represent them. This is me with the statue of George Washington!








This is me lying on the floor looking up at the ceiling in one of the rooms.













This is what I was looking at, the cupola. That is the center of the building. Super cool!








If you want to learn more about our country’s capitol building, this is the link to the website: http://www.aoc.gov/

My next stop is the Library of Congress.




Library of Congress


If you like books, this is the place for you! I can’t wait to tell Sleepy Bear.









I was in a balcony looking down at the main floor. The lights are at desks where you can sit and study and read books. You have to be very quiet. Sssshhhh…









Inside the library is a special section for kids. This is a poster of old fashioned children’s books. It was hanging on the wall. I wish I could get a poster like this to give to Sleepy Bear.






Here is the link for more information about the Library of Congress: http://www.loc.gov

Well, I hope you have had as much fun as I have on my adventure to Washington, DC, even if I did get the flu. But, it’s time for me to return home so I can plan my next adventure.

Bye for now,


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