Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Moosey-Moose Answers His Mail

Hi Friends,

I want to try to answer everyone's questions.

Let's see, the first one is asking me about Sleepy Bear's book club. Nope. I did not read his last book. Ssshhhh. Don't tell him that. I told him I was reading The Spiderwick Chronicles. but I wasn't. I was too busy feeding birds outside.

Yes, I liked visiting the Statue of Liberty. It was really neat. And it was HUGE! And Green!. I want to visit Washington D.C. I will ask Kathleen when we are going to visit the east coast again.

I'm ready for another adventure. I like to fly so I want to go someplace where I have to ride in an airplane.

I hope it's not windy tonight. I slept better last night but tonight the weather is a little bit stormy.

Well, talk to you later.



Anonymous said...

Hi Sleepy Bear how are you today?
They are moths I was the one who told you that they are moths i knew from the dots that are on its wings!!!☻☺♥

Anonymous said...

Hi mossey-moose.

So this weekend i went camping and my family likes to hike but i am scared of hikes so then i said that i have confidents of my self so i did it and my legs hurt now anywasys when i got to the top i saw my mom she looked so tinny from were i was.And then i went to chess rock!!!!!!!Do you know what chess rock is???I am going to tell you anyways well chess rock is a big rock but it is saped as a chess and it has holes on it and you have to go through the holes!!!!OH and when i was eating a big snake came over i was so scared but then it left.Have you ever ben camping????

Well i have to go.
