Sunday, March 20, 2011

Moosey-Moose Forgot to Feed the Birds!

Hi Friends,

Most of you already know I like to feed the birds in my yard. Last year I even built a bird house and painted it red, white, and blue!  Super cool!

I like watching the birds build their nests, too.  One year I had a new family build their nest under my deck.  I watched them grow up and fly away!  Super cool times two!!

But I have bad news.  My bird feeders are empty.

Moosey-Moose Neglects His Bird Feeders - March 2011I don’t know how I could forget about them.  One of my bird feeders got super gross with gunk and rotten bird seed.  Part of it is broken.

What should I do?  Buy new bird feeders?  Do you think I can fix this one?  The one on the right is OK.  The one on the left is sort of OK.  The one in the middle is super not OK.

I feel horrible.  Will you help me decide what to do?  I need to do something quick because today was the first day of spring and birds are flying home from their warm homes in the south.

Your friend,


1 comment:

Mrs. A said...

You could build one by rolling a pine cone in peanut butter.
Mrs. A's Class