Sunday, October 12, 2008

Moosey-Moose Goes on Vacation


That's Moose-Speak for Hi, there, boys and girls!

My name is Moosey-Moose. As you can probably guess, I'm a moose! Yup, that's right. But I'm not your usual run-of-the-mill Moose. No sirreee. No way. No how. I'm more adventurous than that. In fact, I'm so adventurous that I'm going on a trip to Cabo San Lucas. Your parents might know it better as just "Cabo". Anyway, I leave tomorrow from Seattle. I'm very excited especially since I've never been.

Do you know where Cabo is located? If you get a map of North America, look at the strip of land below California. That area is called Baja California. At the very tippy tip bottom is Cabo. The region of land is called a peninsula because it has water on three sides.

I have to go finish packing now. Be sure to check back tomorrow and every day for the next week. I look forward to reading your blogs to me.




Anonymous said...

hi moosey,moose. i just wanted to ask you if you were scared on the hot air balloon.

Anonymous said...

hi Moosey-Moose how old are you chalise

Anonymous said...

Hi moosey-moose how are you